+91 (876) 711 5748

Fast track respiratory research with GOLD standard data.

Gathering the GOLD standard data for your respiratory research is now become very handy. alveofit® connected platform offer various data points to analyse large data pool with more precision in the field of respiratory care

Contact us
Respiratory focused
We offer tools dedicated to respiratory research.
Secure Service
Your research data is secure with us.
Streamlined Patient population
We help you manage large patient population data from centralised database so you should not miss the crucial patient information.
Easy to analyze
We provide easy to use dashboards and tools to manage large data and optimise research outcome.
Quick TAT and increase data
We offer portable and advance tool so that patients can perform spirometry from home reduce site visit for data collection and indirectly reduces cost and increase more data points.
Multi account
Our platform offer conducting multiple site, multiple account research from single platform to allow reduce burden of site and account specific data.

Related Solutions

We are an eco-system for your respiratory practice

Homecare Solution

Help patientsto manage lung health from their home

Respiratory conditions are chronic in nature and require continuous monitoring and timely intervention. Help your patients to get onboard on alveofit® so that, you can manage their conditions more efficiently.

Learn more about alveofit®
Provider Solutions

Digitize your practice powered by alveofit® solutions

Managing patients with respiratory condition always been a challenge due to dedicated GOLD standard solution. We have build closed loop system where interaction with patient become easy from screening to diagnosis to treatment plan.

Learn to digitize your practice
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